Protein Stuffed French Toast


  • 2 eggs

  • Fat-Free Fairlife milk

  • Cinnamon

  • Nutmeg, optional

  • Vanilla extract, optional

  • 1 1/2 cup plain Greek yogurt (Or you can use any flavor! Mixed Berry was yummy too)

  • 1 scoop protein powder (I liked Fruity Cereal with plain Greek yogurt or unflavored with Mixed Berry)

  • Diced strawberries (or any fruit) for the protein mixture

  • 2 pieces of whole grain or sprouted bread

  • Sugar-free syrup

  • Sliced strawberries for the top (or any fruit)


  1. Whisk the 2 eggs, milk, cinnamon, nutmeg, and vanilla extract. Exact measurement isn’t a big deal here because you are just dipping the bread in it.

  2. Mix the yogurt, protein powder, and diced fruit of your choice.

  3. Coat bread in the egg mixture, on both sides, then cook on a hot skillet 2-3 min on each side until slightly brown.

  4. Place the yogurt mixture in between each slice of bread. Top with sugar-free syrup and sliced fruit of choice. Enjoy!


Gooey Protein Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Bars


Snickers Baked Oatmeal With Peanut Butter Protein Icing