Greek Yogurt Parfait

Amounts here don’t really matter here. This is a quick, super easy, high protein/low fat snack!


  • Vanilla Greek Yogurt

  • Sugar-Free Banana Pudding Mix, to taste (optional, and I’m sure other flavors would taste good too!)

  • Fresh Berries- blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, strawberries

  • Flax Granola Mix (The mix I like also has chia seeds and cinnamon.)


  1. Add the greek yogurt to a bowl. Mix in some of the pudding powder- not enough to change the texture! About a tablespoon or more if you like.

  2. Mix in the fresh berries, of your choice.

  3. Top with the granola.

  4. Eazy peazy! Enjoy the crunchy, sweet, high-protein snack!


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