Air Fryer Carrots

These were a perfect way to safely introduce carrots to the baby and they were a yummy side to our meal!


  • 1 pound (or more!) carrots, peeled and sliced (long ways or diagonally- up to you!)

  • 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil

  • The following measurements do not have to be exact. I just sprinkled them on, but they were probably about 1/4-1/2 teaspoon:

    • dried thyme

    • dried oregano

    • garlic powder

    • dried basil

    • dried parsley

    • kosher salt

    • ground black pepper


  1. Peel and slice the carrots long ways or diagonally. I first cut them in half and then sliced long ways to look like carrot fries, as this is best for baby-led weaning. Your preference!

  2. Toss the carrots, oil, and seasonings in a large mixing bowl.

  3. Spray the air fryer and dump in the carrots. Depending on the size of your air fryer, you may need to work in batches as you want a single layer.

  4. Set the temperature to 375°F, cook for 10-15 minutes, and shake the basket halfway through. I have two air fryers- the one I like for these has a preheat function, so keep that in mind if yours does not. You should be able to stick a fork through when they are done (and if you want crispier, go longer!)

  5. These are a great side to almost any dish. Serve hot!


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